Login | July 27, 2024


Full text of Legal Notice



The State of Ohio, Portage County.

Civil Sheriff Case: 2022FSH0000673OH672

Court Case: 2022 CV 00673

BankUnited, N.A.


Antony T. Woodward, et al.

In pursuance of an Order of Sale in the above entitled action, the sale will be conducted on the official public sheriff sale website, which is operated by Real Auction, http://Portage.Sheriffsaleauction.Ohio.gov. The process & procedures under which these sales will be completed are detailed at the Real Auction Website. The sale is scheduled for Monday, June 10, 2024, at 11:00 A.M. If any parcel does not sell (NO BID) or receive sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale, on Monday, June 24, 2024 at 11:00 A.M. to the highest bidder no minimum bid, but subject to ORC 2329.21, relating to costs, allowance and real estate taxes.

The following described real estate, situated in the County of Portage and the State of Ohio, and in the Township of Ravenna to-wit:


Situated in the Township of Ravenna, County of Portage and State of Ohio:

Known as being the Southeast corner of Lot No. 6 in the middle division of lots in said Township of Ravenna, and bounded by beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot No. 6; thence S. 89 deg. 15' West, 8 chains, 17 links along the South line of said lot to a point in the center of the North and South Road, now known as Infirmary Road C.H. 164; thence N. 0 deg. 15' East, 12 chains, 75 links along said N. and S. Road now known as Infirmary Road C.H. 164 to a post; thence N. 89 deg. 15' East, 7 chains, 93 1/2 links to a post in the East line of said lot; thence S. 0 deg. 40' East, 12 chains, 75 links along the East line of said lot to the place of beginning, containing 10-26375/1000000 acres of land. Being the same land deeded to L. D. Bradley by Dennie Bartliff April 13, A.D. 1854.


Situated in the Township of Ravenna, County of Portage and State of Ohio:

Being a parcel of land in Ravenna Township, Township Lot No. 6 of the Middle Division of lots, and bounded and described as follows:

Beginning in the center of State Route No. 14 and on the East line of Lot No. 6 of the Middle Division of Lots, N. 0 deg. 40' W., 348.95 feet from the Southeast corner of said lot; thence continuing along lot line N. 0 deg. 40' W., 492.55 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 88 deg. 58' W., 523.71 feet to County Highway No. 164 (Infirmary Black Brook Road) now known as Infirmary Road; thence along the above mentioned road, S. 0 deg. 21' 05" W., 491.61 feet to the center of State Route No. 14, N. 89 deg. 05' E., 532.44 feet to the place of beginning, containing 5.9647 acres of land. Surveyed by Marvin F. Stevens, Reg. Sur. No. 260 (recorded in Volume 682 at Page 71 of the Portage County Deed Records.


Situated in the Township of Ravenna, County of Portage and State of Ohio:

And being a parcel of land in the Ravenna Township, Township Lot No. 6 of the Middle Division of Lots, and bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot No. 6 in the center of Lovers Lane, (County Road No. 163); thence along the South line of Lot No. 6 and the center of Lovers Land South 88 deg. 58' W., 110.00 feet; thence through the property of the Grantors, North 0 deg. 40' W., 349.16 feet to the center of State Highway No. 14; thence along the center of the St. Highway No. 14, N. 89 deg. 05' E., 110.00 feet to the East line of Lot No. 6; thence along the East line of Lot No. 6, S. 0 deg. 40' E., 348.95 feet to the place of beginning, containing 0.881 acres of land. Surveyed by Marvin F. Stevens, Reg. Sur. No. 260.


Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Portage and being a parcel of land in Ravenna Township, Township Lot No. 6 of the Middle Division of Lots and bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point on the South line of Lot No. 6 and in the center of Lovers Lane (County Road No. 163) which bears W. 110.00 feet from the Southeast corner of Lot No. 6; thence along the South line of Lot No. 6 and the center of Lovers Lane, S. 88 deg. 58' W., 110.00 feet; thence through the property of the Grantors N. 0 deg. 40' W., 349.37 feet to the center of State Highway No. 14; thence along the center of St. Highway No. 14, N. 89 deg. 05' E., 110.00 feet; thence S. 0 deg. 40' E., 349.16 feet to the place of beginning, containing 0.882 acres of land. Surveyed by Marvin F. Stevens, Reg. Sur. No. 260.

Parcel #29-206-00-00-030-000


The sheriff's office nor any affiliate have access to the inside of said property.

Said Premises Located at 3673 Lovers Lane, Ravenna, OH 44266.

Said Premises Appraised at $160,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount.


If the Judgment Credit is the purchaser at the sale, they shall not be required to make a sale deposit. (ORC 2329.21)

Deposit required by Third Party Purchasers are as follows:

If appraised less than or equal to ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) the deposit shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000.00).

Greater than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), but less than or equal to two hundred thousand dollars, the deposit shall be five thousand dollars ($5,000.00).

Greater than two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) the deposit shall be ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00)

The purchaser shall submit to the selling officer a Purchaser Information Form. The Plaintiff should have the form prepared in advance of the sale to present to the Sheriff conducting the sale at the time of sale. (ORC 2923.71)

The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover.

The Purchaser must pay balance due within thirty (30) days of the confirmation of sale. (ORC 2329.30)


Portage County, Ohio

By: Roxann Boyle

CHRISTOPHER G. PHILLIPS, 4805 Montgomery Road, Suite 320, Norwood, OH 45212, Attorney for Plaintiff.

May 9, 16, 23, 2024


