Login | February 16, 2025


Full text of Legal Notice


In the Court of Common Pleas, 203 West Main Street, Ravenna, Portage County, Ohio.

Case No. 2023 CV 00026.

Brad Cromes, Portage County Treasurer, 449 S. Meridian St., Ravenna, Ohio 44266, Plaintiff vs. The Estate of Kathryn I. Landers aka Kathryn I. Sponseller, et al., Defendants.

The Estate of Kathryn I. Landers aka Kathryn I. Sponseller, the Unknown Heirs, Devises, Legatees, Administrators, Executors, Spouses, Next of Kin, and Assigns and the Unknown Guardians of Minor and/or Incompetent Heirs of Kathryn I. Landers aka Kathryn I. Sponseller, the Unknown Tenants, Unknown Occupants, and/or Unknown Parties under any claim; Judith Marie Sponseller; Dale Edward Sponseller; Gary Neil Sponseller; Dana Merrill Sponseller; Debra L. Garrett; the Unknown Heirs, Devises, Legatees, Administrators, Executors, Spouses, Next of Kin and Assigns and the Unknown Guardians of Minor and/or Incompetent Heirs of the Estate of Kathryn I. Landers aka Kathryn I. Sponseller, Judith Marie Sponseller, Dale Edward Sponseller, Dana Merrill Sponseller, Debra Garrett, whose addresses cannot with the exercise of reasonable diligence be ascertained and upon service of summons cannot be had in the State of Ohio, will take notice that on January 12, 2023, Brad Cromes, Portage County Treasurer, Plaintiff, filed a Complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Portage County, Ohio being case number 2023 CV 00026 to foreclose the lien for land taxes, assessments, penalties, and more specifically, on permanent parcel number: 17-010-40-00-038-000. These liens represent delinquent real estate taxes, assessments, penalties, and interest on the following described real estate:

Situated in the City of Kent, County of Portage, and State of Ohio: And known as being located in the Township Lot 27 and beginning at a point on the South line of the street South of the Parmalee Heights Allotment One Hundred and Sixteen (116) feet East of the County line between Portage and Summit Counties; thence Easterly along the South line of said street South of the Parmalee Heights Allotment 100 feet; thence southerly parallel to the county line 200 feet; thence Westerly parallel to the South line of first avenue 100 feet; thence Northerly parallel to the County line 200 feet to the place of beginning containing less than one acre of land as the same is recorded in Volume 246, Page 240, Portage County Records of Deeds, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Being the same property as conveyed to Carl A. Sponseller and Kathryn I. Sponseller in Warranty Deed recorded in Volume 837, Page 202, of the Portage County Records of Deeds. *containing .50 acres of land according to Treasurer/s Tax Duplicate

Permanent Parcel Number(s): 17-010-40-00-038-000

Also known as: Lot R&P Blk A, Parmalee Drive , Kent, Ohio 44240

The defendants are hereby required to answer and set up any claim that they might have to said premises or be forever barred, that the Plaintiff be found to have a first and best lien on the said premises for the amount so owing.

Said above named Defendants will further take notice that they are required to answer the Complaint on or before the 16th day of June 2023.

By: Christopher J. Meduri, Division Chief Assistant Prosecutor, Portage County Prosecutor VICTOR V. VIGLUICCI, Attorney for Plaintiff, BRAD CROMES, Portage County Treasurer, 241 S. Chestnut St. Ravenna, Ohio 44266 (330) 297-3850.

May 5, 12, 19, 2023


